This is a recipe that I adapted from Julie Stafford's "Taste of Life" for the Thermomix Forum.
It is easy enough to make into icy poles for the kids - a healthy snack.
Banana Freeze
2 cups plain yoghurt
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 tbsp orange or lemon rind
1/4 cup honey
2 egg whites
2 bananas
Put all but egg whites and bananas into TM bowl and mix for 20 seconds on speed 4. Pour into an ice cube trays. Freeze until mixture is alomst set.
Place butterfly over blades and add egg whites. Beat for 2 - 3 minutes on speed 4 or until slightly stiff. Remove and keep aside.
Remove yoghurt mixture from tray and add to TM bowl with bananas. Beat for 40 seconds on speed 10 or until smooth.
Remove to a large bowl and gently fold through egg whites. Pour into icecream trays, ice cube trays or icy-pole trays and freeze.
The benefit of using ice cube trays is that the mixture can be blitzed again on speed 10 prior to service if it becomes too firm.
Whatever way it is frozen, it is best to let it warm slightly before serving.
Serve with fresh bananas.
Re: What have you been doing today?
Quote from: Cuilidh on *Today* at 06:25:38 pm
There was a rain shower last night - only c. 30 minutes, but what a
beautiful sound on the roof.
We missed i...
2 hours ago
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